Thursday, December 15, 2016

Mini Folding Tripod and Grip

Short Description: Small, portable tripod and grip
Price: $1.79
Store: Ebay Purchase Link

Amount: 1 tripod


I already had a couple of mini tripods in my repertoire, but I still decided to purchase this one after learning about the price from this youtube video by randomfrankp.

It has quickly become a regular in my bag, especially for use with my Ricoh Theta S 360 camera.  It helps keep my hand out of the 360 photos and helps allow for remote shots on uneven surfaces.

Assuming your camera isn't too heavy, it is also a good grip to help steady video recording.

That being said, it has very limited effective positions, making for minimal effective picture angles.  Additionally, tightening the camera is likely to move the camera a little, making fine adjustments difficult to accomplish.

All things considered, this item is WORTH IT.

  • Small footprint both when folded and also when unfolded
  • Can support cameras up to mirrorless camera size
  • Decent as a pistol-like grip
  • Easy to deploy and fold

  • Light, and will probably not be able to hold heavier cameras or lens
  • Minimal possible adjustments
  • Rough adjustments