Friday, August 10, 2012

Glass Terrarium Bowls

So I'm moving out of the room I share with my sister back into my own room which has been used on and off for relatives from out of country to stay. Things have settled down so I recently have started to move back in. As a still unemployed student, I need to cozy up this place. It's been smelly and dust ridden for years. It's a hell for allergy sufferers at the moment. So still being an unemployed person who is waiting and dying for a job interview, what can I do?

Well... since I was a kid I've been looking into air plants and I was fascinated with these things but for some reason I never got around to buying one. I don't know why. But now, when I only have a few bucks to spare, these things look like gold. I mean for around 1 - 2 bucks a piece these things are awesome. They're sturdy and some will also flower. This is it. I decided I'm going to make a terrarium. Hell- even 5 or 10 terrariums! Lets spice the window sill up. So where can I buy some glass bowls for these things? First store first: Dollar Tree.

 So I go online and see that they do have bowls suitable for my project. I buy 2 of them. They only have two different styles. Contents not included.

Glass Bowl
Price: $1
Where: Dollar Tree
Style: Round

This one is just a regular cute little round bowl.

  • Perfect size
  • Small
  • Simple

  • Smaller
  • Less classy

Fluted Glass Bowl
Price: $1
Where: Dollar Tree
Style: Fluted

This one is a bit taller/bigger than the regular round one. I like this one more because it has the fancy fluted wavy top.

  • Fancy
  • Big

  • Maybe too fancy

 End results:

Perfect for making small air plant terrariums.

WORTH IT. I have spiced up my window sill.

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